Mathews Journal of Nursing and Health Care (MJNHC; ISSN 2692-8469) is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes cutting-edge research on psychiatric nursing, mental health nursing, learning disability nursing, pediatric nursing, geriatric nursing, home health nursing, community and homecare nursing, maternity and women's health, social interactions, and health habits self-management and personal development.
The Open Nursing Journal is an Open Access online journal, which publishes research articles, reviews/mini-reviews, letters and guest edited thematic issues in all areas of nursing. The Open Nursing Journal, a peer-reviewed journal, is an important and reliable source of current information on developments in the field.
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En förteckning över flera tusen fria s.k. "Open Access Journals" inom nursing, omvårdnad, odontologi, hälso- och sjukvård, psykiatri etc. (sammendrag) Nursing Open 2020; Volum 7 (2). ISSN 2054-1058.s at risk of suicide. (data) International Journal of Mental Health Nursing 2017; Volum 26 (2).
Nursing & Care Open Access Journal (NCOAJ) is an interdisciplinary open access peer-reviewed journal that includes protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities, and populations.
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PLOS Medicine An influential venue for research and commentary on the major challenges to human health worldwide, PLOS Medicine publishes articles of general interest on biomedical, environmental, social and political determinants of health. Open Access Journals encourages submissions on Diabetes, Cardiology, Endocrinology, Rheumatology, Imaging Techniques, Neurology, and Bioprocessing, to begin with and it is in the mode of expansion to add more innovative fields in the above mentioned disciplines. The Open Nursing Journal is an Open Access online journal, which publishes research articles, reviews, letters, case reports and guest-edited single topic issues in all areas of nursing. Bentham Open ensures speedy peer review process and accepted papers are published within 2 weeks of final acceptance. Posts about open access journal of nursing written by journalspub Latest Trends International Journal Journals-Pub provides peer reviewed & article research international journals of science, Medical and technology. Clarification around when a new journal may apply to DOAJ 24 March 2021 New partnership launched to support the Directory of Open Access Journals through Amigos Library Services 12 March 2021 All about the ISSN Portal 10 March 2021 An interview with EBSCO’s Tamir Borensztajn 10 March 2021 Open Access Diamond Journals Study Published 9 March 2021 Mathews Open Access Journals committed to publish quality and valuable scientific contributions like Original Article, Review Articles, Mini-reviews, Case report, Editorial, Commentary, Letter to the Editor, and Opinion articles. Format of articles.
nal is open access. Most nursing journals are not open access and continue to rely on a subscription model. To access the articles online or in print, individuals or li-braries need to subscribe to the journal. Alternatively, readerswhodonothaveaccessthroughalibrarycanpur-chase an electronic version of an individual article for a fee. There are various models of open access. In one, often
PLOS Medicine An influential venue for research and commentary on the major challenges to human health worldwide, PLOS Medicine publishes articles of general interest on biomedical, environmental, social and political determinants of health. Nursing Research is a hybrid journal; some of the articles we publish are open access, but all are not. Making an article open access in most hybrid journals generally requires paying an article publication or processing fee (APC) to the publisher; these fees are often built into grant costs or are paid by researchers or their universities. Nursing & Healthcare is an open access journal, mainly publishing high quality original research and reviews, opinion, midwifery and health professional education. 2015-10-25 Nursing & Care Open Access Journal (NCOAJ) is an interdisciplinary, Open Access, Peer-reviewed Journal that includes protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities, and populations. Cardiac Care Nursing. Cardiac care nurses are nursing professionals who treat lifelong patients of all ages with heart problems and disorders such as cardiac arrhythmias, coronary artery disease, cardiomyopathy, myocardial infarction, unstable angina, congestive heart failure, bypass surgery and others.While the cardiac care nurse's responsibilities and duties will vary from setting to setting The American Journal of Nursing, the profession's premier journal, promotes excellence in the nursing and healthcare profession.
Impact factor: 1.363. 2019 Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate Analytics): 66/123 (Nursing) 64/120 (Nursing (Social Science)) Online ISSN: 2054-1058.