16. Nov. 2018 Erfahrt hier die wahre Geschichte zum echten Kartell-Boss Félix Gallardo aus der Netflix-Hitserie Narcos: Mexiko - Wer war der Pate?
“He was always looking for angles … probably one of the most cunning drug after Cancun holiday, Medellin Cartel leaders Pablo Escobar and Carlos Lehder.
Den 2 december 1993 kommer colombianska agenter världens största knarkkung, Pablo Escobar, på spåren. Han är chef för Medellínkartellen, och när han flera år tidigare beslutade att skicka narkotikan via Mexico bidrog han till att de mexikanska kartellerna bildades. Cártel de Sinaloa är ett mexikanskt globalt brottssyndikat som utför olika sorters brott som bland annat kidnappningar, korruption, mord, penningtvätt, människo- och vapenhandel. Mexiko är i chock efter tisdagens blodiga skjutning. 28 personer dog när beväpnade män öppnade eld på en nattklubb i Coatzacoalcos innan de satte lokalen i brand. Dådet har väckt frågor 2020-07-28 · Mexico’s president, Amlo, faces mounting pressure to catch El Mencho. Photograph: Rebecca Blackwell/AP.
26. jun 2018 Guzmán har to ganger rømt fra fengsel i Mexico. YouTube-video der Guzmán ses under brutalt avhør av en person fra et rivaliserende kartell. Cártel de Sinaloa är ett mexikanskt globalt brottssyndikat som utför olika sorters brott ”Three alleged mexican drug cartel leaders and twin brothers who ran Läst 17 oktober 2012. ^ Malcolm Beith (5 september 2010).
Lika stora problem uppstår när nästa knarkkung faller. Den 2 december 1993 kommer colombianska agenter världens största knarkkung, Pablo Escobar, på spåren. Han är chef för Medellínkartellen, och när han flera år tidigare beslutade att skicka narkotikan via Mexico bidrog han till att de mexikanska kartellerna bildades.
Sinaloa-kartellet (Cártel de Sinaloa) er en meksikansk kriminell organisasjon som bedriver narkotikahandel. Organisasjonen ble etablert i Culiacán i Sinaloa i 1980-årene og er sentral i den vestlige delen av Mexico, i delstatene Baja California, Sinaloa, Durango, Sonora og Chihuahua.
sports television personality and boxing commentator cartel leader his! MadameNoireBrutal Mexican Zetas cartel leader chopped up girl, 6 GRAPHIC EXCLUSIVE -- Los Zetas Cartel Cuts Face Off Los Zetas -. WikipediaGRAPHIC: The two gangs have since been at war over control of methamphetamine trafficking in Guadalajara and elsewhere in central Mexico. Filed under drug cartels , mexico , narcos , 3/21/21 Share this Mexico City — No sooner had federal forces arrested José Antonio Yépez Ortiz — a crime boss known as "El Marro," or the sledgehammer — than stories surfaced of his supposed generosity with The DEA is focused on a Mexican drug lord named Nemesio Cervantes, known simply as El Mencho.
Mexican cartel bosses have a history of seeking a safe haven in the United States in an apparent effort to avoid dying at the hands of their rivals or having to shoot it out with Mexican military forces. U.S. law enforcement officers arrested several key cartel bosses after they sought refuge in Texas. The Jalisco New Generation Cartel (Spanish: Cártel de Jalisco Nueva Generación) or CJNG, formerly known as Los Mata Zetas, is a semi-militarized Mexican criminal group based in Jalisco which is headed by Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes ("El Mencho"), one of the world’s most-wanted drug lords. A Mexican cartel boss serving time for decapitating 12 people has died after getting infected with the coronavirus in prison, officials said. Los Zetas leader Moises Escamilla May — known as … The alleged boss of a Mexican drug cartel has been busted in connection to the slaughter of three Mormon mothers and their six children last year, according to reports.. Roberto González Montes Mexican cartel boss who beheaded 12 people dies from coronavirus.
^ Malcolm Beith (5 september 2010). ”Mexican drug-trafficker El Chapo and his trail of blood”. The Sun.
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He's set for sentencing Monday in Atlanta. Prosecutors are asking a judge to send him to prison for 55 years and order him to forfeit $192 million. Dubbed the "Osama bin Laden of drug trafficking", El Chapo Guzman, the leader of Mexico's deadliest drug mafia — Sinaloa cartel — threatened Isis leader Abu El Chapo verdict: Jurors find Mexican drug lord, cartel leader Joaquin Guzman guilty on all counts. Read the full story: https://bit.ly/2WZ2zFa.
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Sinaloa-kartellet (Cártel de Sinaloa) er en meksikansk kriminell organisasjon som bedriver narkotikahandel. Organisasjonen ble etablert i Culiacán i Sinaloa i 1980-årene og er sentral i den vestlige delen av Mexico, i delstatene Baja California, Sinaloa, Durango, Sonora og Chihuahua.
Vicente Carrillo, 51, long-time head of the Juarez Cartel, was a fierce rival of Joaquin "Shorty" Guzman, the leader of the Sinaloa Cartel and the world's most wanted drug Mexicos karteller har eksistert i noe tid, men har stadig blitt kraftigere de siste årene med bortfallet av Medellin- og Cali-kartellene i Colombia. Nedleggelsen av kokainhandelensruten gjennom Florida presset kokaintrafikken til Mexico, som gjorde at meksikanske karteller ble enda sterkere i kokainhandelen. Die Bosse der mexikanischen Drogenkartelle sind tot oder sitzen im Knast, doch die schmutzigen Geschäfte laufen weiter: Splittergruppen steuern das Business dezentral - und noch blutrünstiger. 2011-10-17 · ‘Zetas drug-cartel boss’ captured in Mexico. Police catch alleged high-ranking leader of the Zetas drug gang amid continuing violence in northern Nuevo Leon region. Jalisco cartel boss in mountain hideout, copying El Chapo: The leader of one of Mexico’s most powerful drug cartels is staying under the radar and hiding out in the mountains of western Inlägg om info om mexikanska karteller skrivna av matzen10.
By learning from Hitta 200 professionella Drug Cartel videor och bakom kulisserna-material som kan licensieras för film-, tv- och företagsanvändning. Getty Images erbjuder The tale of two American teenagers recruited as killers for a Mexican cartel, and the Mexican-American detective who realizes the War on Drugs is unstoppable. Drug Lord, a firsthand account of drug dealing, murder, and corruption, tells of drug kingpin Pablo Acosta, who smuggled up to twenty tons of cocaine each year Dylan works as a security guard for an American security firm.He's ex-military. He has accepted a contract to work for firm that protects American interests at the As Sinaloa cartel leader Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán goes on trial, VICE News explores his high-stakes case through the stories of people caught up in the drug A drug cartel boss who is arrested in a raid is coerced into betraying his former accomplices as part of an undercover operation.